26 Jan 2016
A close shave for hospice
It was great to see big hearted staff at Morrisons supermarket in Johnstone go that extra mile to support our much loved St Vincent’s Hospice in Howwood. Stephen Blane, David Jelphs, Chris Toogood and David Kenny showed they were a cut above when they had their hair chopped and legs waxed for the charity. Customers paid £5 to rip wax strips off the lads and the generous gents raised almost £1000. St Vincent’s Hospice is a vital lifeline for many people in my constituency and the work carried out by caring staff can make such a huge difference to individuals with life-limiting diseases and also to their families. The hospice offers a range of services in the community, allowing patients to stay at home or have some respite in the hospice’s tranquil patient rooms. Occupational therapy, physiotherapy, complementary therapies, companionship, counselling and peer support are also provided. Some of you may know that it costs a whopping £5000 daily to run the hospice and community services. Incredibly over half of this money comes from donations and fundraising efforts. PDE readers are renowned for their generosity and if you would like to help out I know the hospice is currently looking for people to take part in their Arran Challenge, a two day cycle/trek around the isle on the 4th and 5th of June. If you would like to know more, why not pop along to the hospice’s information evening on Thursday 10th March at 6pm.